Silja Sjödin Exhibitions
torstaina, toukokuuta 26, 2011
  Silja Sjödin Exhibition in Helsinki 2012

Photographer and artist Silja Sjödin

Click on this link and visit my online picturegallery

Coming up Exhibition
Silja Photography-- Botanic Beauty, 44 motifs, 33 of each, signed, numbered, printed on canvas, ready to hang on the wall, € 500-2.000
World Design Capital 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Summer 28.6.- 2.9. 2012, Helsinki City Hall

Contact me for an invitation to the opening, the vernissage of Botanic Beauty, 28.6.2012

Order and purcase your motifs already now and get them delivered to your door, ready to hang on the wall. Also a great oppurtunity to have your companylogo displayed beside the motif you bought during the exhibition, over 2 months. The Helsinki City Hall art gallery is open every day with a lot of visitors from all over the world.


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<< Etusivu
Art and Photography Exhibitions by Silja Sjödin

Oma kuva
Nimi: Artist Silja Sjödin
Sijainti: Kampen, Helsingfors, Finland

Minglar, strollar och chillar i Helsingfors, fotar, ställer ut, går på konserter, utställningar, festivaler, fik och restauranger, tränar Falun Gong, gillar att träffa folk och umgås
